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Sugar Daddy China

What exactly is a Sugar Daddy? Well, according to Slang Dictionary a Sugar Daddy is an older man who basically just throws gifts, allowances, and trips on a younger woman or man in exchange for a consensual (often sexual) relationship. Slang says that there are two ingredients to a sugar daddy. The first is sugar, slang for “money” and “expensive gifts” reaching back to the 19th century. The sweet stuff, apparently. The second is daddy, a colloquial term for a man of some age—and power—also found in the 19th century. In fact, the term can be found as early as 1917.

Even though the term has had a somewhat negative connotation, in the past, the practice has been growing fast in Asia during the last 10-15 years in particular. To the point it now has an enticing name “sugaring” which is designed to normalize the endeavor for potential Sugar Babies and Boys.

As China has steadily grown it’s economy to the second largest in the world the landscape has changed with it. Going back 20-30 years ago there was an over abundance of really poor Chinese girls that were willing to get into any relationship that promised some level of financial security. Today, especially along the Eastern Coastal regions most families are no longer living “on the edge.” So, now Chinese girls from these areas are expecting more which means low to average income Americans and Europeans are getting priced out of the market. This doesn’t mean opportunities for them are gone but have just moved west to the interior of China.

I’m hardly considered rich yet I was able in maintain a sugaring style relationship for fours years with a beautiful 20’s something girl up until 2018 with just the need to pay everything in her everyday life along with extra “bonuses” for holidays and special occasions. Be aware however it’s easy to become attached, as I did, but at the end of the day she was faced with her parents refusal to accept us in a marriage relationship and she rightfully decided to leave for a more normal relationship.

Are sugar babies girlfriends or sex workers? It seems that they walk a thin line between the two but some would say it’s also a thin line between sugaring and marriage with the only difference being the legal complications.

So if you are thinking about this option, I would say have a closer look, talk to some girls and see how you feel about it then. And while it’s very helpful to have a lot of money to throw around when looking for a sugaring relationship it’s still possible for most men and women looking to find such a relationship with a Chinese girl and/or a Southeast Asian girl to find one. Now is actually the best time in the history of the world to find and enter into a sugaring relationship, it’s never been easier to find the right girl or guy for you, it’s never been easier to travel, its never been easily to communicate, as it is today.

We are lucky to have an internet that has shrunk the world yo the point that Asia is just next door. All you need is an internet connection, a computer, and a good list of the best sugar daddy websites that can help you find the girl or guy of your dreams. Check out our recommendations for Sugar Daddy websites that are safe, private, reasonably priced and most importantly effective!

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